Drink, drank, drunk

Health and wellness news for WVU students

WVU Journalism 318 students investigate alcohol and drinking in Morgantown

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Binge Drinking a Common Trend Among College Students

By Brandon Hough

Whether it is beer pong, keg stands or chugging races, WVU students are binge drinking and fully aware of it. Most students are drinking to get drunk, and the dangers and consequences of their actions can be dangerous. From hangovers to alcoholism, students should be aware of the possible problems associated with binge drinking. Read more…

Pre-gaming Becomes Common Way to Get Drunk

By Leah Cunningham and Elizabeth Young

Pre-gaming is one of the most common ways that WVU students, with underage drinkers leading the pack. Underage drinkers 
pre-game harder to save money and get the booze they won’t be able to get at bars.  Students 21 and over tend to pregame less, knowing they won’t be turned 
down at the bars. Read more…

Dollars and Sense: Students Spend Budgets on Booze

By Katie Tavalocci

Even when college students say they don’t have enough money, they will make spending on alcohol a priority. According to the U.S. Department of Health, college students spend $5.5 Billion on alcohol a year. WVU students say they use money from scholarships, student loans, and their parents to pay for their alcohol. Read more…

The Great Debate: 18 or 21?

By Devon Unger

Many colleges and universities across the country are coming together to petition against the drinking age. The variety of statistics that argue both sides puts the debate in a deadlock. Read more…

Underage? ABC You Later!

By Ashley Pruitt and Caitlyn Kish

The Alcohol Alcohol Beverage Control Administration steps up the crackdown on underage drinking in the Morgantown bar scene. Read more…

Written by j318

November 3, 2008 at 3:43 am